We are passionate about
Our Causes
bully blend
Adora-Bull Terrier Rescue and Rehabilitation is a non-profit, pro-life rescue organisation facilitating in the rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing of Bull Terriers throughout South Africa. Adora-Bull is the first and only independent Bull Terrier NPO in the country. Apart from rescuing, fostering and re-homing, Adora-Bull also strives to create awareness about the breed and the life-long friend that can be found by owning a Bull Terrier and understanding that a Bull Terrier, irrespective of its past, can be the ideal pet for a home. In buying this packet of coffee you are directly contributing towards Adora-Bull and their work whilst enjoying this uniquely crafted blend.
Proceeds from BULLY BLEND
go to Adora-Bull
dawn chorus
BirdLife South is an NPO whose Landscape Conservation Programme is dedicated to preserving South Africa’s land-based and freshwater birds and their habitats through effective, scientific and community-based strategies that include the monitoring and management of threatened species and their habitats. The core pillars of the programme are to prevent extinctions, promote ecological sustainability through collaborations with industry and promote positive change for people and nature. Current projects include amongst others, habitat suitability modelling for 96 threatened and endemic birds across South Africa and providing guidance and support to the renewable energy sector. In buying this packet of coffee you are directly contributing towards BirdLife South Africa and their work whilst enjoying this uniquely crafted blend.
Proceeds from DAWN CHORUS
go to BirdLife South Africa
rare blend
The Endangered Wildlife Trust Carnivore Conservation Project’s purpose is to boldly prevent carnivore extinction in southern Africa. Carnivores are one of the most charismatic yet threatened orders and require innovative strategies to ensure their survival. They boldly implement large-scale, collaborative, field-based projects to increase the range, numbers and status of Africa’s threatened carnivores. EWT achieve this by re-establishing, maintaining and expanding safe space for carnivores, actively reducing threats to carnivore survival and persistence, ensuring positive changes in human-based values to carnivores, and supporting legislation to protect carnivores. In buying this packet of coffee you are directly contributing towards The Endangered Wildlife Trust and their work whilst enjoying this uniquely crafted blend.
Proceeds from RARE
and ELUSIVE blend go to Endangered Wildlife Trust
lazy leopard
Leopard Conservation Project is an NGO that has spent two decades protecting leopards, one of South Africa’s most iconic wild predators. Acting as a conflict manager between leopards and local farmers, LCP proactively assist in finding ways to eliminate the senseless killing of these beautiful and endangered animals, including relocating and rehabilitating leopards who have been caught in snares, or have suffered other man-induced injuries. Working together with the local communities, LCP constantly strives to protect, educate and ultimately bridge the gap of misunderstanding between man and leopard. In buying this packet of coffee you are directly contributing towards LCP and their work whilst enjoying this uniquely crafted blend.
Proceeds from LAZY LEOPARD
go to Leopard Conservation
outeniqua blue
Nature’s Valley Trust (NVT) is a small community driven NPO working at the cutting edge of integrated conservation in South Africa. It operates in four main arenas, namely conservation, education, community and research. Using these four pillars, NVT helps to shape how people live, how they view the world around them, and how they as individuals can contribute to conserving the natural world. Nestled in the magnificent Garden Route, and situated in a world-renowned Nature’s Valley, NVT contributes to proactively maintaining the environmental integrity of Nature’s Valley and the surrounding area.
Proceeds from OUTENIQUA BLUE
go to Natures Valley Trust
sentinel blend
VulPro is an NPC which was established to protect, conserve and save the survivors of Africa’s dwindling vulture populations. Through a multifaceted and holistic approach encompassing both in-situ and ex-situ conservation strategies, VulPro is a leading international vulture conservation organisation influencing change. Vultures play a critically important role in our ecosystems by limiting the spread of diseases, earning them the nickname “sentinels of the skies”, a fitting reference to how they protect our environment through their invaluable contribution. With some vulture populations having been decimated by over 90% over the last three decades, VulPro strives to advance knowledge, awareness and innovation in the conservation of African vulture populations. In buying this packet of coffee you are directly contributing towards VulPro and their work whilst enjoying this uniquely crafted blend.
Proceeds from SENTINEL BLEND
go to Vulpro