Outliers Coffee Roasters – Thunderbird


A  full bodied strong blend , with both chocolate and fragrant fruity notes and a certain amount of acidity. A special coffee to be enjoyed slowly, just as our Ground Hornbills walk the plains in search of their next meal.

Mabula Ground Hornbill Logo for the Outliers Coffee website www.outlierscoffee.co.zaThis Blend is dedicated to the Mabula Ground Hornbill Project- R10 from the sale of each 250g bag and R40 from the sale of each 1Kg bag of coffee will be donated to support them with their amazing efforts

Strength: 3.5 out of 5
Weight: 250g or 1Kg options
Type: You can specify your grind type depending on brew method
Shipping: R100 per order (3Kg and under) – South Africa
Please contact us for a quote for orders over 3Kg


SKU: N/A Category:




Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions 10 × 8 × 20 cm
Package Size

250g, 1kg

Choose Grind

Whole Beans, Plunger (French Press), Filter, Stove Top Espresso (Moka Pot), Espresso, Turkish Grind